Salvini wants a shortcut from Southern Libya to Europe for refugees, wants EU hotspots in Southern Libya where asylum seekers could ask for asylum in Europe and get asylum in Europe.
When visiting Libya today Italian interior minister Mattea Salvini (League) wanted that Libya should allow setting up of EU asylum processing hotspots taking asylum applications and giving out asylums in Europe in southern Libya:
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Monday that hotspots for asylum seekers trying to enter Europe should be in the south of Libya, rather than in Italy. “Reception hotspots in Italy? It would be a problem for Italy and for Libya itself because the death fluxes would not stop,” Salvini, who is on a visit to Tripoli, said via Twitter.
“We have proposed reception centres situated at the southern border of Libya to prevent Tripoli becoming a bottleneck”
Creating such EU hotspots in Southern Libya or somewhere else in Africa or Middle-East that would take asylum applications to get asylum in EU and process asylum claims and give out asylums in Europe would of course lead to millions of people traveling to those EU hotspots to ask for asylum in Europe because they would not need to pay smugglers a fortune and they would not need to risk their lives at the Mediterranean Sea and they could ask for asylum in Europe from EU hotspots in countries of origin for asylum seekers aka their home countries or countries of transit or asylum seekers such as Libya.
Since many nationalities get asylum quite easily and in very large percentages currently when they reach Europe it would mean that these nationalities would also get asylum easily and in large percentages from these EU hotspots processing asylum applications and giving out asylums in Europe that Salvini demands in Southern Libya and other origin and transit countries of asylum seekers. Some nationalities that would get almost automatic asylum in Europe and quickly get to Europe as refugees from these EU hotspots demanded by Salvini include:
-Somalis: There are over 14 millions of somalis in Somalia and hundreds of thousands more in neighboring countries like Kenya and Ethiopia living long term in refugee camps with free food rations and millions of Somalis would likely go ask asylum from EU hotspots Salvini demands in Africa if this became possible because there would be no need to pay fortune to a smugglers or risk ones life to cross Mediterranean sea. Most of Somalia is now peaceful and Somalia’s capital Mogadishu has had it’s safety guaranteed by African Union troops for years but since EU countries still keep giving out asylums to somalis if they reach Europe millions would likely come to ask for asylum in Europe from EU hotspots demanded by Salvini that would give out asylum in Europe and if the process would be as easy as in many european countries millions would get it.
-Eritreans: There are over 5 million eritreans in Eritrea and Eritrea has 18 month army service that is mandatory for each eritrean and there has been a phenomenon for years that Eritreans desert their army service and come to Europe to ask for asylum and since Eritrean government has severe punishment for army desertion several EU countries have been giving asylum to almost all eritreans coming to ask for asylum in Europe and since many European countries like Germany and Sweden and Norway and Netherlands have generous welfare benefits and provide a free apartment through government benefits for each accepted asylum seeker this has led to even more Eritreans wanting to come seek asylum in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of eritreans would come seek asylum in Europe from the EU hotspots in Africa demanded by Salvini.
-South-Sudanese: South-Sudan has a population of over 12 million and if it were possible to go ask for asylum in Europe from EU hotspots in Africa giving out asylums in Europe as demanded by Salvini millions of south-sudanese would take this possibility since currently the situation in South-Sudan is such that there is an actual civil war going on in South-Sudan between government of South-Sudan and South-Sudan People’s Liberation movement and that civil war is partly influenced by ethnic hostilities between different tribes.
-Congolese: Congo has a population of 78 million and there are several conflicts in Congo with millions displaced inside Congo from their homes and hundreds of thousands of congolese that have escaped to neighboring countries. If it would become possible to go ask for asylum in Europe from EU hotspots in Africa giving out asylums in Europe millions of congolese would try to get asylum in Europe.
Conte (Italian prime minister) also demand EU hotspots in origin and transit countries of asylum seekers in Africa that would give out asylums in Europe
Italy will propose the creation of European protection centres in migrants’ countries of origin and transit in order to assess asylum requests outside Europe
Conte called for “European protection centres” to process asylum claims in migrants’ countries of origin — currently mainly Africa — “before their arrival in Europe”.
Angela Merkel supports demands to create EU hotspots/centres in origin and transit countries of asylum seekers in Africa that would give out asylums to Europe
They also agreed that EU asylum applications should be processed in origin or transit countries before would-be migrants enter the bloc, she added.
Emanuel Macron also supports demands to create EU hotspots/centres in origin and transit countries of asylum seekers in Africa that would give out asylums to Europe
Mr Macron proposed building migration centres in countries of departure, including Libya, from which many people attempt a dangerous sea crossing to Europe – an idea he has raised in the past.
He said many of those attempting the journey had “no possibility of obtaining asylum in Europe”, but die in the attempt – or spend months living in poor conditions only to be sent home.
Processing asylum claims in applicants’ home countries could avoid those problems, he said.
So there is currently a Conte/Salvini, Macron and Merkel agreement that EU must create EU asylum processing centres/hotspots in origin and transit countries of asylum seekers, allow people to ask asylum in Europe from them, give out asylum to Europe in them and bring people who have been given asylum from current origin and transit countries of asylum seekers in Africa straight to Europe.
This plan if it becomes true will lead to millions of asylum seekers rushing to those centers/hotspots in current origin and transit countries of asylum seekers in Africa and it will also lead to millions of asylum seekers getting asylum in Europe from those centers and those millions coming to Europe with their accepted asylum.
This plan by Salvini and Conte (supported by Merkel and Macron) would lead to many more millions of people coming to Europe than what followed from Angela Merkel political choices in 2015.
For now a Libyan official prevented this rush of millions to these centers/hotspots in Africa and the following giving away of millions of asylums to Europe in Africa leading to millions of refugees coming to Europe because the Libyan official stated:
Deputy Premier Ahmed Maiteeq, however, ruled out the prospect of the North African country hosting camps for asylum-seekers. “We categorically reject (the idea of) camps for migrants in Libya,” Maiteeq told a joint press conference following with Salvini. “It is not allowed by Libyan law”.
Will other african countries also reject these plans and demands by Salvini and Conte that are supported by Merkel and Macron and that would lead to millions of people getting asylum to come to Europe in Africa or will some country take these centers/hotspots that would attract millions of africans to come to that country to ask for asylum in Europe?
What do the italians who voted for League and 5 stars think about these plans by Salvini and Conte that would lead to millions of refugees coming to Europe?
M. Lindfors